HR Assessments Identify the Right People for the Right Jobs

People problems cost money. Assessments save.
Do you have an HR problem? Suffering from too much employee turnover? Churning through new hires because your managers aren’t hiring the right people?
Is conflict among team members affecting the bottom line? Is your sales staff failing to reach their goals? Is company morale faltering and you don’t know why? Are you developing talented leaders?
You should consider using behavior and personality assessments as part of your HR strategy – before, during and after hiring. Because if you have any of these significant human resources development challenges, incorporating behavior and personality assessments into your hiring and performance measurement process could address them.
HR Assessments address people issues and opportunities.
Assessments help you to determine how individuals think, solve problems, what their default and stress behaviors are, their values, ethics and what natural skills or talents they possess. Some measure behavioral style while others measure a person’s ability to deal with stress and change.
Assessments can also predict success at a particular job. While skills can be taught, if someone doesn’t have the temperament for a position, they are unlikely to succeed. That’s a waste of everyone’s time and money.
These human resource tools, part of a comprehensive HR strategy, can ensure high levels of employee job satisfaction and performance – but only if you use them properly. When administered and interpreted by trained professionals, behavior and personality assessments can ensure better hiring decisions, motivate current employees or manage team conflict, give feedback on jobs, build teams, increase employee productivity, and even establish a culture of success.
Many companies use HR assessments to identify employee performance management opportunities, implement changes in structure, and plan for succession. Assessments are a key tool in developing leadership qualities in current employees.
Better understand your current team. Find the right new people.
Not only can assessments help you better understand the people on your team now, they can help you compare the characteristics needed to be successful in your organization to the individuals you’re thinking of hiring.
And these behavior and personality assessments unlock other data that can help you better understand job positions. Then you can match the right candidates to the right job, and flag behaviors and skills among current staff that are holding them back from success.
In fact, best in class companies are
- 28% more likely to use HR assessments when hiring executives
- 30% more likely to use HR assessments for mid-level manager hiring
- Twice as likely to use HR assessments post-hire for executives and mid-level managers
- Nearly three times as likely to use HR assessments post-hire to identify high potential or emerging leaders
- 55% more likely to have a formal high-potential identification process in place
The results speak for themselves.
Hiring, retaining and developing the right people has obvious success measures: reduced employee turnover, higher employee performance against goals, decreased absenteeism, and increased job satisfaction. Everyone wants to improve productivity, right?
But did you know that top performing employees produce at least 50% more than average, and three times more than low producers? Great organizations produce triple the average shareholder returns – and that’s a bottom line everyone cares about.
J N Gruber Group’s clients who use behavioral and personality HR assessments saw an average $26.30 return per $1 invested, and generated a 23% net profit increase.
So which assessments do we use?
The Hogan Personality Assessment
Hogan has more than 25 years’ experience providing cutting-edge assessment solutions for a variety of talent management initiatives, from pre-hire selection to executive-level development. Hogan typically helps organizations measurably improve the quality of their hiring decisions by 20% to 40%, resulting in reduced employee turnover, decreased shrinkage, increased customer service/satisfaction ratings, increased sales, reduced accidents, and reduced workers compensation claims.
This tool works by:
- Predicting job performance by allowing you to hire better people that fit your organization.
- Evaluating career derailers by identifying and mitigating performance risks that can degrade leadership success, erode relationships, and damage professional reputation.
- Identifying potential by finding and allowing you to develop your organization’s next generation of top talent.
Developing leadership by creating strategic self-awareness. - Pairing with 360°data and other performance indices
Case study: After applying assessments to its sales hiring process, one engineering company increased revenues and profits from improved project completion on time, at or under budget, with greater client satisfaction. The company doubled revenue and tripled gross margin per sales person in 12 months.
Learn more about the Hogan Personality Assessment.
ProfileXT® is a simpler solution for selecting and developing the right people. This tool identifies whether a candidate is the right fit for the job based on their behaviors and characteristics, as well as cognitive abilities. It can also help you effectively develop and coach individuals throughout their career.
This tool works by:
- Identifying behaviors, characteristics, and ability to adapt and learn
- Measuring how well a person fits a specific job
- Evaluating compatibility between managers and their employees
- Mapping out the team’s characteristics to understand their similarities and differences
- Evaluating an individual’s approach to leadership and development
Case study: A hospital group used assessments as part of its selection criteria for its surgical nurse program. Nineteen of 21 students have remained employed as surgical nurses for the last two years.
J N Gruber Group works in partnership with eleserv to provide ProfileXT.
Predictive Index®
Predictive Index answers behavioral questions about individuals, predicting primary personality characteristics and cognitive ability. When cognitive ability is used as a key data point in talent decision-making, the odds are greatly improved for selecting individuals who can catch on quickly, figure things out on their own, and who are able to meet or exceed performance expectations sooner.
The tool works by asking:
- What motivates people to action?
- For what kinds of work are they best suited?
- What meets their needs, and therefore unleashes their energy and best efforts?
- How do they reach their judgments around people and things? What is their basis for judgment?
Case study: A lifestyle company reduced the time from entry to proficiency for front desk associates from 90 days to 60 days, and credited the Predictive Index assessment tools with helping them identify candidates with a higher likelihood of success in their role.